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Intelligent Solutions for Advancing Patient Care.

Software solutions help in-home clinicians make data-driven decisions while staying focused on individual care. More informed choices guide patients and their families in finding a way forward under challenging circumstances. Our platform allows organizations like yours to provide the right resources to the right patients while shifting toward value-based care.



Pulse Expands to Support Complete Clinical Episode Management.

Medalogix’s Pulse platform is a complete clinical decision support suite, bringing EMR data to life for risk-stratified, evidence-based care from referral through discharge. By applying industry-leading predictive analytics and AI, Pulse empowers clinicians to provide better care by surfacing actionable, just-in-time insights from lengthy, complicated,
and siloed clinical records.

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Risk-aligned, Right-sized Care When it Matters Most.

Medalogix Muse intelligently analyzes clinical evidence to identify patient risk and needs, visit by visit. Diving deep into patient records, Muse considers the full patient picture to give care teams smart recommendations and insights based on the latest data. This drives care proportionate to every patient’s needs for optimized utilization and improved quality outcomes.

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"Unlock Data-Driven Care - Dedicated to empowering individualized patient care with innovative, data science-driven solutions that empower a shift to value-based care."


Medalogix Leverages State of The Art Machine Learning

We help clinicians identify important insights about patient risk and progress, act on the information based on the individual needs of the patient, and improve a patient’s healthcare journey while in the home.

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